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On-Demand Webinar

Five Factors for Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Success (EMEA)


Making your risk-based vuln management program operationally effective takes more than the right tech...

The appeal of risk-based vulnerability management is clear. You finally have a way to identify and address the vulnerabilities posing the greatest risk to your organization more efficiently and effectively than previously possible.

As you consider transforming your vulnerability management program to a risk-based model, we encourage you to join Tenable’s EMEA Senior Field Product Manager Leslie Forbes to learn about five factors influencing your vuln management program’s ultimate success.

Topics covered during this webinar will include:

  • Optimizing stakeholder relationships with operations, developers and executives
  • Assessing and up-leveling program maturity
  • Defining and using metrics effectively
  • Achieving and evaluating meaningful risk reduction
  • And, get your questions answered during live Q&A

Who should attend?
All CISOs and infosec leaders interested in getting strategic guidance for effectively implementing risk-based vulnerability are encouraged to participate.

Watch now.


Photo of Leslie Forbes, Field Product Manager, Tenable

Leslie Forbes

Field Product Manager, Tenable

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