On-Demand Webinar
Five Factors for Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Success
- Vulnerability Management
- Tenable OT Security
Making your risk-based vuln management program operationally effective takes more than the right tech...
The appeal of risk-based vulnerability management is clear. You finally have a way to identify and address the vulnerabilities posing the greatest risk to your organization more efficiently and effectively than previously possible.
As you consider transforming your vulnerability management program to a risk-based model, we encourage you to check out this on-demand webinar, led by Tenable’s Chief Security Strategist, Nathan Wenzler, exploring the five factors influencing your vuln management program’s ultimate success.
Topics covered during this webinar include:
- Optimizing stakeholder relationships with operations, developers and executives
- Assessing and up-leveling program maturity
- Defining and using metrics effectively
- Achieving and evaluating meaningful risk reduction
Who should attend?
All CISOs and infosec leaders interested in getting strategic guidance for effectively implementing risk-based vulnerability management are encouraged to watch this on-demand session.
Register and enjoy on-demand now.

Nathan Wenzler
Chief Security Strategist, Tenable, Tenable