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White Paper

Tenable.sc Support for the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Dashboards and Assurance Report Cards (ARCs)

How can you measure, visualize, and effectively communicate adherence to NIST CSF technical controls?

Using Tenable.sc (formerly SecurityCenter) you can automate conformance assessment for over 90 percent of the NIST CSF technical controls. To make this assessment data actionable, SecurityCenter CV includes CSF-specific Assurance Report Cards (ARCs) and more than 20 CSF-specific dashboards.

This whitepaper will give you detailed insight into the way the NIST CSF dashboards and ARCs support your reporting requirements. Organized by CSF subcategory, for each dashboard and ARC, the paper includes a summary of its contents, a sample screen capture, and a link to a more in-depth explanation of the data shared.

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