Tenable blog
What Is Exposure Management and Why Does It Matter?

Full IT Visibility Requires Business Risk Context
Having a full, continuously updated and detailed understanding of all IT assets is one of the holy grails for security teams. To achieve it, we must first understand what “visibility” truly entails, how it’s more than just identifying what’s out there and knowing which challenges must be addressed....
Cybersecurity Snapshot: 6 Things That Matter Right Now
Topics that are top of mind for the week ending Sept. 2 | Shift-left efforts falling short. What CISOs earn and what stresses them out. The quantum computing risk for critical infrastructure. Securing machine learning systems. And much more!...
Taking Notice of AWS IAM Roles Anywhere
IAM Roles Anywhere may be a pivotal moment for security — the new service lets you enrich the arsenal of tools at your disposal to improve your AWS security posture....
Cybersecurity Snapshot: 6 Things That Matter Right Now
Topics that are top of mind for the week ending Aug. 26 | The “platformization” of hybrid cloud security. Budgeting guidance for CISOs. Tackling IT/OT cybersecurity challenges. Tips for complying with HIPAA’s cybersecurity rule. A roundup of patches, trends and incidents to keep an eye on. And much ...
DevSecOps: An Organizational Fix for Improving Cloud Security – Friction-free
By implementing the DevSecOps culture, tools and training, you’ll be on your way to more shift-left security and less organizational friction. Here’s how....
New IT/OT Features Help Tenable Customers Increase Visibility, Security and Control
Tenable.ot v3.14 product features increase coverage of segmented networks and give broader visibility across your operational technology (OT) environment. Now more than ever, it is essential for organizations to understand their cybersecurity baseline. From malicious outsiders and insiders to new...
Cybersecurity Snapshot: 6 Things That Matter Right Now
Topics that are top of mind for the week ending Aug. 19 | A ransomware defense blueprint for SMBs. Why phishing is getting worse and what to do about it. The government revises its cybersecurity guidance for pipeline operators. A roundup of important vulnerabilities, trends and incidents. And much m...
Facing the Shift-Left Security Conundrum. A True Story
Shift left security is hot — until it's not. Dynamic business requirements and cloud complexity pose major least privilege challenges....
Ransomware Preparedness: Why Organizations Should Plan for Ransomware Attacks Like Disasters
As ransomware has cemented itself as one of the biggest cybersecurity threats to companies around the globe, it has become increasingly important that organizations treat ransomware attacks like they would a natural disaster and establish a robust preparedness plan....