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Tenable blog

March 17, 2025

What Is Exposure Management and Why Does It Matter?

Each Monday, the Tenable Exposure Management Academy will provide the practical, real-world guidance you need to shift from vulnerability management to exposure management. In our first blog in this new series, we get you started with an overview of the differences between the two and explore how cyber exposure management can benefit your organization.

March 16, 2009

Auditing PHP Settings to OWASP Recommendations with Nessus

<p>Tenable recently released an audit policy for Linux servers running PHP which tests for hardening recommendations from the Open Web Application Security Project (<a href="http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page">OWASP</a>). OWASP maintains a set of guidelines for hardening web servers, with spec...

By  Ron Gula
February 12, 2009

ShmooCon 2009 - Playing Poker for Charity

Tenable sponsored a booth at this year&#39;s ShmooCon and ran a Texas Hold&#39;em table to help raise money for the Hackers for Charity organization. We raised close to $400 from conference attendees and scheduled &quot;guest&quot; players such as Paul Asadoorian from PaulDot.Com, Simple Nomad from ...

By  Ron Gula
January 5, 2009

DOJOSEC - Compliance Presentation

The next DOJOSEC is this week. I've been invited to speak about the latest compliance trends in PCI and FDCC. Also presenting will be Shaf Ramsey of TechGaurd Security and Dale Beauchamp of the Transportation Security Administration. Mr. Ramsey will discuss the future of virtual worlds such as HIPIH...

By  Ron Gula
December 14, 2008

Marcus Ranum PaulDotCom Interview on Penetration Testing

Tenable's CSO, Marcus Ranum, was recently interviewed on the PaulDotCom Security Weekly podcast. They discussed a wide range of topics regarding penetration testing, secure coding, Marcus's "6 Dumbest Ideas" in computer security and much more.Full PaulDotCom show notes.Direct link to the show's MP3 ...

By  Ron Gula
November 4, 2008

PCI Executive Roundtables in New York and Atlanta

Tenable Network Security has partnered with IANS to sponsor two executive level PCI discussions in New York City and Atlanta. Both events are this week, and we have limited seating available for corporations who are facing the challenges of being and demonstrating PCI compliance. Questions to be ans...

By  Ron Gula
April 4, 2008

Nessus turns 10 !

Ten years ago today, I announced the initial public release of Nessus on the bugtraq mailing list. The initial version would run only on Linux and was bundled with 50 plugins (vulnerability checks) written in C. At that time I was 18 and I had no idea I would still work on it years later (or that an...

October 10, 2007

Being the Caveman - Tenable Style

After reading Richard Bejtlich's &quot;Be the Caveman&quot; blog post about the convicted hacker Robert Moore, I felt it would be interesting to show how unifying vulnerability monitoring, configuration auditing, passive network discovery and log analysis helps organizations detect intruders. This b...

By  Ron Gula
September 25, 2007

Using Nessus Configuration Audits To Test FDCC Compliance

Tenable has recently announced FDCC audit policies for Nessus ProfessionalFeed and Security Center users. These policies help government organizations test Windows XP Pro and Vista desktops against OMB's required configuration settings. This blog entry describes how this testing can be performed wit...

By  Ron Gula
September 21, 2007

Digital Bond OPC Hardening Guide

If you are using Nessus to audit a control system network, Digital Bond has recently released a set of guidelines (part 1, 2 and 3) for securing OPC servers. These guidelines include three Nessus configuration audit policies (for use with Direct Feed subscriptions) to test OPC servers running under ...

By  Ron Gula

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