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Media room

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Press releases

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Poor Security Choices Come Back To Haunt Mark Zuckerberg

Cris Thomas offers insightful commentary on the debate over white hat vs. black hat hacking ethics to Forbes contributor, Tony Bradley.

A hacker explains why US nukes controlled by ancient computers is actually a good thing

Venture Beat
Cris Thomas explains why the Pentagon's use of legacy technology is good for the organization's security.

Tenable Network Security takes off with top cyber security award

IT Brief
IT Brief's Catherine Knowles highlights Tenable's recognition for organizational excellence in information security at the 2016 AusCERT Awards.

Health Secretary: ‘NHS Still Not Trusted on Data Security’

Cris Thomas offers insight on the security challenges faced by the UK's National Health Service (NHS), and recommends the organization first focuses on eliminating blind spots to mitigate its risks.

This is the Real Threat Posed by Hacked Medical Devices at the VA

Cris Thomas provides expert insight about the emerging security risks associated with the Internet of Things and medical devices in an interview with Nextgov's Aliya Sternstein.

Verizon DBIR drives security best practice

The release of new Tenable 2016 Verizon DBIR dashboards and Assurance Report Cards (ARCs) was featured in the Australian technology news outlet, ITWire.

Tenable CEO, Ron Gula, on Recent AntiSec Attacks

In this article featured on SC Magazine's Australian website, Tenable CEO/CTO, Ron Gula, comments on recent AntiSec activity and how that might impact the security industry.

Marcus J. Ranum, Tenable CSO, Weighs in on the Practice of Hiring Hackers

In this Gov Info Security Blog post, Tenable's CSO, Marcus J. Ranum, gives his insight on the practice of hiring hackers or ex-hackers as software engineers or security experts.

Tenable CSO, Marcus J. Ranum, on RSA Token Replacement

In this podcast from HealthcareInfoSecurity.com, Tenable CSO, Marcus J. Ranum, assesses RSA's latest move to rebuild the SecurID brand reputation, explains why the data pilfered from RSA servers last March shouldn't cause problems for newly issued tokens and discusses the importance of educating users about how to employ the authentication tokens. 

Ron Gula, Tenable CEO, Comments on Citigroup Hack

Tenable Network Security's CEO/CTO, Ron Gula, offers expert commentary on the Citigroup situation and the state of network security in this article by SC Magazine.

Ron Gula, Tenable CEO, Quoted in NY Times Article

Ron Gula, Tenable CEO/CTO, weighed in on Sony's recent security troubles in this New York Times article.

Tenable CSO, Marcus J. Ranum, on Battling Breach Fatigue

Tenable's CSO, Marcus J. Ranum, lent his expert insight to this article entitled Battling 'Breach Fatigue', on keeping employees engaged in Cyber fight.

Media contacts

Corporate Public Relations [email protected]
(443) 545-2102 ext. 1544
Capital Informação
[email protected]
+ 55 11 3926.9517
PR Paradigm
[email protected]
+33 7 88 32 33 38
Middle East
Oak Consulting
[email protected]
+97 1 43 81 73 65
Mission North
[email protected]
(415) 503-1818
Flame PR
[email protected]
+44 20 3357 9740
Allison + Partners Australia
[email protected]
+61 408 441 662
Star Squared PR
[email protected]
+91 98451 76974
[email protected]
+ 52 55 6578 3492
H zwo B Kommunikation
[email protected]
Allison and Partner K.K
[email protected]
Eastwest PR
[email protected]
+65 96374747

Media kit

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