I am often astonished as to just how many vulnerability checks are included with Nessus. There is something to be said for the scope of the nearly 40,000+ plugins (the numbering of the plugins started at 10001). On October 19, 2010, Nessus plugin number 50,000 was published into the feed. Let's go back and take a look at some of the first plugins: The "official" first numbered Nessus plugin in the feed is ColdFusion Multiple Vulnerabilities (File Upload/Manipulation) - Plugin ID 10001. I found some interesting information about this vulnerability: "Although this vulnerability has been known for a while we think it is worse than originally thought. Users can upload and potentially execute files on the web server. Furthermore, few sites seem to have fixed the problem. Major commercial, government, and military sites have been found to still be vulnerable. We hope this advisory helps get the word out to all those webmasters. -weld"