by Cody Dumont
April 10, 2014

This report template identifies the details on systems vulnerable to the newly identified HeartBleed vulnerability. Using all the tools available to SecurityCenter users, Tenable has several methods of identifying vulnerable systems. As discussed by Tenable’s Ken Bechtel (, the HeartBleed vulnerability is a serious issue that all IT professionals should be working to address. Fortunately for SecurityCenter customers, the identification of vulnerable systems just got easier.
This report is comprised of two chapters, which focus on vulnerabilities discovered by Nessus, PVS and LCE. The Executive Summary chapter provides a series of indicators and network summary, which reports on the overall status of the risk due to the HeartBleed vulnerability. The second chapter contains several sections with detail behind the indicators provided in the Executive Summary.
The report is available in the SecurityCenter Feed, a comprehensive collection of dashboards, reports, assurance report cards and assets. The report can be easily located in the SecurityCenter Feed under the category Security Industry Trends. The report requirements are:
- SecurityCenter 4.8.0
- Nessus 5.2.6
- LCE 4.2.2
- PVS 4.0.2
This report includes the following chapters:
Executive Summary
- Heartbleed Indicators - This matrix provides a series of indicators of systems that may be at risk to the HeartBleed vulnerability. The matrix is organized by column to provide indication of the identification method. Each row then displays indicators of vulnerabilities discovered. The first row will turn red for systems that have been identified to have the HeartBleed vulnerability. The second row reports on the OpenSSL version 1.0.1 vulnerabilities, and will turn red if a system is discovered. The third row provides a listing for all OpenSSl vulnerabilities, while the fourth row provides the DTLS vulnerabilities. The indicators for the OpenSSL and DTLS will turn red for the active and passive detection, and will turn orange for the event detections. With event detections, the severity can not always be discovered, therefore many of the logs have a severity level of info. Thus, the indicators will be orange to indicate a warning and manual review and verification is required.
- Heartbleed Vulnerable Networks - The HeartBleed Vulnerable Networks table provides a high level network status with respect to the HeartBleed vulnerability. The table collects data from Nessus, LCE and PVS to identify vulnerable systems. The table is sorted by total vulnerabilities found on the system. Any systems in this table should be patched immediately.
HeartBleed Detail
- HeartBleed - This section reports on systems found vulnerable to the HeartBleed Vulnerability. These systems should be patched immediately. A response to a TLS request with a specially crafted heartbeat message (RFC 6520), systems identified in this chapter appear to be running a service that is affected by an out-of-bounds read flaw. This flaw could allow a remote attacker to read the contents of up to 64KB of server memory, potentially exposing passwords, private keys, and other sensitive data.
- OpenSSL 1.0.1 - This section reports on systems found to be running OpenSSL 1.0.1 and have very serious vulnerabilities which should be patched immediately. According to their banners, the web servers identified use a version of OpenSSL 1.0.1 prior to 1.0.1g.
- OpenSSL Summary - This section reports on systems found to be running OpenSSL and may be subject to several vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability is assigned a severity level of Info, Low, Medium, High or Critical. Informational vulnerabilities in the table should not be ignored, as the severity of an informational vulnerability can not always be determined. For example, OpenSSL vulnerabilities identified by events are not assigned a CVSS score and are therefore classified as an informational severity level.
- DTLS Summary - This section reports on systems found to be running Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol - an encrypted protocol for UDP. New vulnerabilities in OpenSSL have caused issues with implementation of DTLS. All the systems identified in this chapter should be reviewed closely. If systems are found to be vulnerable, they should be patched immediately.