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Research Podcast
June 28 · 45 minutes
Back to Reality, Ransomware and Patch Tuesday

Welcome back to the Tenable Research Podcast. In this new episode we look back at June’s Microsoft patches, and ask Tenable senior research engineer Satnam Narang what he feels the reasons are for the number of patches generally decreasing both monthly and annually.

We are also joined by director of product management Ray Carney, as we look into the increase of ransomware in 2021, what have been the causes of this increase, and what the threat landscape looks like currently.

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Research Podcast
December 10 · 52 minutes
Security Research in 2020

We’re joined by four members of the Zero Day Research team - Nick Miles, Jimi Sebree, Chris Lyne, and Evan Grant - to talk about what it’s like being a security researcher in 2020. Conferences mostly cancelled, vendor responses fluctuating, concerns about selecting targets and promoting work - it’s complicated out there for researchers. As always, Satnam breaks down the latest vulnerability news for us.

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Cyber Exposure Podcast
Nov 30 · 37 minutes
The lost 2020 episode... We are back and now we are Frictionless!

It was a long summer and fall months; nevertheless, we are back at it. This is the "lost" episode and final for 2020. We will try to be more regular in 2021.Happy New Year! & Stay Safe!In this episode, Gavin and I discuss what we have been up to over the last several months as we'll discuss some major improvements/innovations here at Tenable.

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Research Podcast
Nov 13 · 50 minutes
Benchmarks and You: Making the Right Match

On this episode, we talk about November Patch Tuesday - Satnam highlights some of the vulnerabilities and we discuss the new, limited format for the advisories from Microsoft. Our guest this month is Grant Dobbe who gives us a crash course on compliance benchmarks and how to pick the right one for you. The key lesson: don’t try to put a jet engine on a Cessna.

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