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Hacker Chronicles
Jan 12 · 10 minutes
The Hacker Chronicles - Episode 1: Wanted

Get ready for The Hacker Chronicles, a fully narrated podcast series with all the voice actors, sound effects, and musical scores we could assemble. Grab your headphones.

Our story starts with Alice: colleague, neighbor, friend, reluctant hacker. In this first episode, in a cabin nestled in New York’s Catskill Mountains, Alice is about to receive the biggest paycheck of her life. Her corporate target just needs to cough up six figures to unlock its IT systems. But Alice’s attack has spread beyond her control, and Wall Street is taking notice.

You don't need a computer science degree to enjoy or even learn something here. For the pros out there, expect exclusive insights to better protect your own organization in 2022.

Listen now to The Hacker Chronicles wherever you enjoy your podcasts.

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Research Podcast
December 22 · 41 minutes
Log4J, Fixes For ZoHo and SonicWall and December Microsoft Patches

This month we take a look back at the impact of Log4J and how both the industry and Tenable were able to respond to this major incident that affected so many users globally. There are also fresh fixes from SonicWall and ZoHo for ManageEngine, and the final batch of patches from Microsoft as it rounds off a quieter year.

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Follow along for more from Tenable Research:

Research Podcast
November 30 · 35 minutes
Will the CISA Directive Create a More Secure Government?

The recent Binding Operational Directive from CISA will see a number of U.S. government departments receive better instruction on which vulnerabilities need to be patched, and to do so within a six month time frame.

On this episode of the Tenable Research podcast, we look at what the vulnerabilities are, how they are determined, who is affected and what this could mean for other governments around the world, and other businesses also.

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Follow along for more from Tenable Research:

Research Podcast
Nov 18 · 32 minutes
Common Attacks on Active Directory

This time we’re joined by Tenable’s security strategist Sylvain Cortes, as we look at the types of attacks being targeted at Active Directory, how attackers look to get a foothold into enterprise networks by exploiting AD, and what steps you can take to better secure yourself and your AD environment.

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