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Research Podcast
Sept 30 · 66 minutes
OMIGOD: Critical Vulnerabilities in Atlassian, OMI and Microsoft, and Remote Working Trends

This month we review new blogs from Tenable’s Security Response Team on a vulnerability in Atlassian’s Confluence Server, review what made cybersecurity say “OMIGOD” and look at another light load of patches from Microsoft. We also look at new research on remote working statistics, and look at technology investment and attack trends which were discovered.

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Research Podcast
Sept 8 · 19 minutes
Hold the Door - VPN Vulnerabilities Unlock Entry to Your Network

On this edition of the Research podcast, we talk to Satnam Narang and Claire Tills about the Security Response Team’s recent research blog around SSL VPN vulnerabilities. That blog looked back at how three particular flaws in major VPNs are frequently exploited, so we look at when these vulnerabilities were disclosed, what the impact of them are, who has been attempting to exploit them and who the targets have been.

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Research Podcast
Aug 24 · 46 minutes
Light Patches, Router Issues and a Year of Zerologon

This month we look at new blogs from Tenable’s security response team, including on a year of Zerologon, vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Servers and Pulse Secure, and a widely spread flaw in wifi routers which could affect thousands of users globally.

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Research Podcast
Aug 2 · 21 minutes
Black Hat 2021 and the Return to Conferences

As the first major security conference prepares to take place, Tenable's chief security strategist Nathan Wenzler talks to Dan Raywood about what the conference scene could look like going forward, what people can expect from the experience and what virtual and in person delegates will be looking to gain from attending.

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Research Podcast
July 21 · 44 minutes
Nightmare, Ransomware, Patches Everywhere

In this episode we talk to security researchers Claire Tills and Satnam Narang on a busy month in cybersecurity headlines, from an MSP facing a major ransomware situation, to Microsoft’s attempts to keep up with the PrintNightmare issue, and evaluating July’s bumper Patch Tuesday offering.

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